Sunday, December 15, 2013


Art stuffs in the Youtubes...

The stars and moons and planetary nebula have aligned (if that's even possible) and I have uploaded some videos (à la short Art films & musical blatherings, aka 'songs') to the great cloud of TV in the tubes, #YouTube.

I am aware that having a "great cloud of TV in the tubes" does not make sense. It's not supposed to, damnit!
Find out for yourself HERE.

Or, you may go all individual by choosing one of the following:


It has been some years since I 1) made these videos and 2) I posted them to the tubes. Regarding the immense number of views they have each received, I can discern just how popular of an internet presence I have garnered. 

I am actually happy about this (I mean, why not?). I don't think I ever made these videos, or art for that matter, to become weird, internet famous

Maybe, tons of youtube views makes one capital (that weird internet money), or maybe it grants happiness (that weird internet happiness) - regardless, I think I have lost the desire for desiring it. Rant end.

Post Script:
OH, and what in god's green, creation is all the 'hash-tagging' about? And, how am I only now annoyed?


In recent years, I have actually taken to using hashtags in posts. Of course, I only do so sardonically (cos, that's how I do).

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