Thursday, September 11, 2008

a lie

   It would indeed be a lie to not recollect the many blogs I have written, to allow myself a fundamental dignity in relaying this particular blog is my first. The office of 'newbie' has its perks. A Newbie, newb, or noob immediately obtains a certain allowance - he (today, I use the impersonal masculine) may make mistakes with an understood impunity.

   Granted, the Noob is discredited for doing an obvious or blundering thing as signified by his title. However, a Newb can always fall back on his premiere station. He basks in glorious bliss, running to and fro causing all types of unintended mayhem.

   In my case, I am not a Noob concerning blogging, but I miss the days long past when I could claim the title. Analogous to my father's rants about growing old and the stark differences in decisions he would have made had he known 'what he knows now,' I suppose my argument falls predominantly on the grassier and greener side. All is well, however, I will continue blogging (ranting my fill.) It's cheaper than gas, you know.


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